A birth doula's favorite things

A birth doula's favorite things

Birth is powerFULL.  We all know that.  It has the strength to make us quiver and shake just by thinking of it, it has the energy to bring us to our knees, it has the intensity that provokes self-doubt, and it has the sneaky magic of reminding us just how strong we really are.  Birth.  We won't let you scare us.  Bring it.

As your resident Rising Tide Women's Whole Life Wellness certified labor doula, witnessing birth is what I get to do.  It's actually my job.  Some may think I'm nuts, but that may stem from the negativity and bad rap that birth gets.  Let's face it, many pregnant people (not all!) dread labor and birth, no matter how prepared they may feel.  And you know what?  That's totally cool with us.  We understand!

5 steps to prepare for your best birth experience

5 steps to prepare for your best birth experience

If you are (or if you know) a pregnant person, this is for you.  This is how to set yourself up for the best birth experience possible.  And when I say that, I don't mean that you will get exactly the outcome you are hoping for; anyone who says they can guarantee that is selling you something.  But it means that you will be well-prepared to have a birth where you are heard, where you are empowered, where you are a key part of the decision-making process.  Where you can feel like you made the best choices you could, given any circumstances.  Where you are supported and held.  Because that's what we want for every birth-giver in the world: to be seen and heard, to be respected and treated as a human being with dignity and wishes, to understand the things that are happening to them.  We all deserve that.

So are you ready?  Here goes: